Keeping Your Baby Safe While Driving
When I became a mother for the first time, I wanted to be ultra safe and cautious about everything. This ran from handling to cleaning, bathing, feeding, wiping and on and on. This led to extreme caution when taking my daughter out of the home and especially when driving. But like all new mothers, everything was new and most of the time logic and instinct took over and I was not always so smart.
There’s just not enough time to research everything, is there?
Well, over the last couple of years, and especially when my second daughter came, I have learned a lot about safe driving with children. Every year over 600 children under the age of 13 are killed, and over 120,000 more are injured, in car accidents. Up to 35% of them are not wearing seatbelts. This prompted me to research and write a full guide to driving safely with your kids, which includes the 6 most common mistakes parents make with child car seats, as well as other good pieces of advice.
Another worthwhile point to mention on the topic of babies in car seats, is for 2017 the laws have changed for children in car seats. KSBY recently posted an article about the new law that children who are 2 years old or under 40 pounds in weight must now be rear-facing whenever they are riding in a car. Don't take any chances; these laws are in place to safe lives every year on the roads.